Say goodbye to awkward poses and "say cheeeeeeeese!"
My approach is to create as much genuine laughter, emotion and connection as possible through subtle prompting. For couples I love incorporating elements of play whether it be dynamic movements or having you reflect and whisper your favourite moments to each other. If you are in for a passion photoshoot then I will have you fully immerse yourself into your craft - play your favourite song on an instrument, explore the outdoors - it will be totally dependent on what you would like to capture.
This is our process:

I. Book the date.
Secure your session by booking online or reaching out via email through our website. Deposit of $100.00 will be required to hold your date. Contract and privacy policy will be sent out - keep an eye out! and a little get to know you questionnaire for your session
A reminder will be sent out closer to your date with all your sessions details and finalising payment.
II. PHOTO day!
Get excited! enjoy the relaxed atmosphere created by subtle prompts facilitating dynamic movements and play that elicit natural flow. Whilst I quietly click away in the background capturing your moments.
III. Deliver memories.
Your images will be carefully processed and become available via an online gallery for you to download and cherish.